Monday, October 17, 2011


A writer is a free soul who has no shame in going naked in public. It is a dance with lover on the crossing of roads and all naked as well. The emotion which a writer carries does not give time to him to think again. A writer writes first and then thinks later. The time to know his thought is hardly a tab over the key-pad. I know whenever I pick-up pen or start typing, I don’t have anything in mind but once the magic starts than I don’t think, the flow of thoughts lead me freely to the new beginning of unending age of writing. The writer never knows where he should stop thinking as till the peace of mind achieves, he is in full throttle of thoughts.  It is connected with one’s will, desire and lust. A writer is a child stays in his own world of passion, emotions, and principles. It excites one with the tag of no boundary. He comes out of his own body and seeing all incidents as second person. He just wears his own soul and removes everything and accomplishes the assigned task by his soul.  He creates his own world where he keeps his men in chaos, confusion and madness. He loves them to do some foolish acts and take wise decision. He knows where they would crumble by their own emotions and when they would feel the victory. Each emotion describes the mental state of a writer. He put himself to pedestal through his created characters. He makes love and gets blind by the anger. He shows his nepotism, and criticism. He puts them on acid test and then takes back them from death defying situation. He Insults and gets humiliation by his own modes of tools. The madness of his characters describes his nature.
A writer estimates and fixes his limitation over the mind of readers through his way of expressing the emotions. He takes them to contradiction where their mind does it in free flow situation. He concludes the hope in despair and happiness in sorrow. He knows that the right time to press the button of remote control to their minds. He does it beautifully. He keeps his readers in his own world with their free will. Till the last word they become part of writer’s world and then allow them to merge in their own world where they now become character of a big canvas writer-GOD.


Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Sohiniben Shukla commented through FB group "Better World" dtd. April 8/2012

When you writes Then who is with you ?

arun said...

I am acompanied by my best friend- SHIVA.....:)