Thursday, March 29, 2012

END OF WORLD - A myth or a fact

END OF WORLD on 21/12/2012- A myth or a fact

For the last one year I am noticing a trend among world that 2012 is the end of life for human kind and its civilization. Wherever you go wherever you see, the people are discussing it whether sitting in open or in closed circle that this world is going to end in this year. They have fixed a dead line i.e. 21/12/2012 for this. The Hollywood movies based on end of world i.e. 2012, Knowing, Deep impact, Resident evil and many more are chanting this through their mode of act and show. If you make a search on Ü Tube, Google or any search engine if you just type any relevant word to end of world, you will find thousands of sites dedicating to this stand..  Some of the religious and awakened groups are also saying so and publicising the concept.

About 2/3 months back a famous and pretty Indian ….Kumari who represents a sect’s views on TV was also explaining the situation about this end on due date. People are scared and dreaded by hearing such news. We do not want to face the death on due date.

Recently I was going through one of page/ group what I have noticed is that they are talking about the survival tips on doom’s day.  Some are taking about the theory of displacement of earth crust causing high magnitude earth quack that would send us deep in rubble. Another theory is the rising of sea level that we will be dead because of floods, storms, etc. Another vision is that we will be attacked by the energy of sun and that would become the reason for our end. Some predict alien attack for natural resources and some are expecting meteors is approaching us for hitting with power.  This what have started from the theory of Mayan calendar.  It is to believe that the Mayan calendar is being ended on 21/12/2012 so that is why the civilization is ending on this due date.

After going through such reports,  I think some people might have started giving trainings to handle this disaster. Some might be making grand from fearful innocent people.

The death if decided than it would come on due date. If people are so sure about the time of their departure than I feel that there shall be less pain and more gratitude. There shall be less taking more giving. There shall be more forgiveness than revenge. There must be more humbleness than cruelty. There must be more love than hate. But what I am noticing that people are becoming more centric than thinking about welfare. They are becoming greedy than distributing their comforts.

Apart from individual’s attitude, there might be an end to any chaos but not at least on 21/12/2012 as planned by a civilization by ending their calendar.  The ending of calendar was not ending of earth, I repeat not ending of earth but it was ending of knowledge of Mayan people. They made a calendar because they could not think beyond that. Today the humans are more open to these things. Even computers did not surrender before the chaos of 2K on 31.12.1999.

I remember while I was in school, I had heard that in 1980, we would be having 3rd world war and then lot of saying about 1984, 1992, 1999, 2002 and now a new dead line is 2012.

I am not sure whether this world be ending on 21/12/2012 as I am not a time traveller nor I intend to be but one thing I am sure that today is the best  day of our life and whatever we had dream last night, we would do efforts to achieve that.


Wish you a happy and delightful 22 December, 2012 with your loved ones... 


Unknown said...

thank you arun for the reflection.
whatever happens in 21-12, it doesn´t matter, we are going to die anyway.
so why being afraid?
and the mayans did mot say the world is going to end.
tha mayans said the world as we know it is coming to an end.
so i´d say check in with yourself and do what you said, live your life today, enjoy, do what you want to, meditate, relax, observe, play and get ready for the eventual shift in consciousness on the end of the year.
if nothing will happen then, you at least enjoyed your life and be ready to continue enjoying.
i wish you all a happy today.
harald rothermel.

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Thnx Harold for ur kind comments.....:)

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Deborah MacEvoy:- at FB group "Tranquility" dtd. 08/07/2012
dearest Arun ~ i have not read or heard a more beautiful exploration of this pervasive phenomena of Earth's End. your last paragraph speaks clearly and with abundant wisdom ~ IT is not ours to know, IT is ours to live and learn ♥ ~namaste beloved Soul

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Thnx Deborah for kind words...:)

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Kim J. Soileau commented through FB group -God, Man And The Universe dtd. 26 july-12

I m Going for waking up on the 13th and all is once again the same messed up surrounding.\

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Anthony Duruisseau commented through FB group -God, Man And The Universe dtd. 26 july-12

Its not the end of the world, its the rebirth.

ReGina said...

Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
Revelation 1:7
"Behold, he comes with clouds and every eye shall see him, even those who pierced him, and all the families of The Earth shall mourn for him; yes and amen!"

Before any end comes this will happen. Yeshua Jesus doesn't lie! He is the way the truth and the life. So be sure this will be the end of this system.

Matthew 25:33
Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
"And he will place the sheep at his right and the goats at his left."

I agree with you Arun:
Its not the end of the world, its the rebirth.

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Amara Ward:
Arun, the world is NOT ending on 12.21.12. It is the old world of duality, fear and separation that is coming to an end, as we move into the new world of LOVE and ONENESS. Please share a message of hope and love to people you know. Don't listen to these Hollywood movies or fear mongers. Check out some of my posts on my timeline about 12.21.12, and also events on 12.12.12. Thank you.

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Joella Bernas :

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Mary Antislaughter Willett :
The world as we know it is coming to the end, as this new age of enlightenment begins to spread throughout the cosmos.

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Francisco de Tavira II :
2012 is only the Beginning

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

FlorWrencia Dayao :
Unbelievable..nobody can predict that!!!!!!

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Amara Ward :
P.S.Of course this is not going to happen overnight, the good changes, it will still take some time, but more and more people are waking up to be the Love they truly are, to know they and everyone are divine, spiritual beings, and to know we are ONE, and more.

Anonymous said...

Dhara Kothari :
Why not share your articles for the SL website as well?

Damaris Torres:
Sorry, but I don't believe that.

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Jagdish Bhasin:
[When the dooms day comes, nobody would be aware of it]

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Ruth Monteiro :
Feeling very happy and light today after a long time....( Heart)

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Von Stobe F. Sofia :
No man knows about the end of the world..Only God knows...We should be prepared for the end...nothing more.

Gloria Garcia :
Many times throughout history the threat has been the child that cried wolf too many times, who is to believe it? Onlythe creator knows for sure!

Shelley Anne Espiritu :
Death is not the opposite of life, it is a part of life. A part we've not yet explored and thus do not understand and it if only natural to fear what we do not understand. But with the right attitude we can make life beautiful. With this same attitude, can death not be the same?..

Celine Leduc :
I agree with you, No one knows when the world will end, the end of a calendar cycle does not mean the end of the world, it means the end of a cycle. Every one hundred years for the past 2000 years there is this message the world is coming to an end, usually it is linked with war. The world was to end in 1984 with Big Brother, then it was on December 31 2000. In the case of Mayan it seems they have a circular calendar whereas we have a linear calendar. Also we do not know about the various calendars some are lunar and other are solar. Hence the confusion of prediction. There are many ends the end of life. Paul predicted the Messiah coming in his lifetime and went out to convert the gentiles based on his belief, the world did not end per-say. If this is our last day what will we do and how will we spend, will we be kind, offer a smile, talk to strangers, shake hands, and make new friends.

Flor Wrencia Dayao :
Nobody knows when will the world ends..I do believe that our Almighty God wants us to be here on Earth....and thanks for your are so amazing bro! keep up the good works...Have a nice day.....let us pray.....and be thankful to HIM...

Syed Waqas Shahzad :
Being Muslim I never believe Allah know better.

Kateri Blackwing :
I will be watcing the movie 2012 while the world ends Ha Ha.

Hitesh Chandel said...

Tomorrow is the day for Apocalypse when there will be global raining of consciousness on all human beings. Time has come when God will incarnate and the Project YugParivartan will definitely take off. The day of judgement has finally come because a GRAND CHANGE is the need of the hour. While the incarnation process starts tomorrow, I would request people of this group to go through the Need Statement for this change. Tomorrow will mark the end of Kaliyug (Dark Age) and beginning of dawn of Dwapar Yug (Bronze Age). Please wait for the revolutionary article of Code of Citizen's Conduct tomorrow. All the four pillars of humanity "Mentors, Leaders, Managers and Workers" will start moving towards an ideal world. Thanks.

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Narayana Barik :
World is not a film that ends.

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Adnan Azmi :
it's just a myth not fact....I am Muslim and my religion told me that world will not destroyed now....The indication or symptoms given and holy Quran says that there is a lot of time for end of the world....good night...dear:-)

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Terri Francisco Moskowitz :
If I would believe my Catholic upbringing, it would follow that I should believe the world is not going to end tomorrow because, to quote the Bible, "death would come like a thief in the night."

Sylvia Novak-Jones :
Thanks Arun

Ribhi Barghouti :
The end of the life is not known except by Allah.

Katya Klimenkova :
That really stupid to believe to what some mass media says. Myth: there'll be any kind of end of the world tomorrow. Fact: Billions were earned on people's naivety.

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Martin Cornwall:
12.21.2012 11:11 Expect Us. Project Mayhem 2012: The End of Fear.
The pro Lessie they somehow become Conscious of their own strength need conspire The RISE UP shake themselves like horse shaking flies If they blow pieces tomorrow morning sooner later occur them DO IT » Special News Edition-Connecting the Evidence!!Why I am Here? My 'Agenda' is to undo the lie that is humanity's primary role in global warming, we contribute a small fraction; ...

End Time Prophecy :
The bible says only God knows

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Rouge Uthai :
You're smart.

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Dear Friends, Today 21.12.2012 being the important day in the history of mankind when the most advanced technical agency NASA has also intervened that today is not our dooms day... the time is just above 11.11 am on GMT time zone. So Dear friends at last the date which is creating a furore over the last one year is just now and as per GMT time zone and whatever is truth is just we are just witnessing now. As we have different time zones so people are reacting at different time.... what is truth ? what is myth ? and how some people are changing statements or their statement is truthful.. we are seeing it now or in next couple of hours. I have a feeling which I have shared with you since March 2012.... I am repeating it again and I am not changing any statement about what I have said through this post... ENJOY the day..... This is your day, your time, live it completely w/o any fear or threat... take care, Thnx for overwhelming response and trust to this post...

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Joella Bernas :

Nataša Pajestková :
Well, now you know it won't be on Dec 21st. But once there will be the end of the Earth. The time comes when the Sun ends its life, burns all its fuel and changes into the red dwarf. It's been proved with other stars. It's just the law of Universe and nobody can stop it. But who knows what will happen to humans. They could be moved to other solar system and live on some earth-like planet. Definitely it won't be in "near" future!

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Mohamad Alvand :

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Sohiniben Shukla :
End of all the sorrows....and new Life will make you happy if you are ready to love....!

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

If you are looking for apocalypse to remove your sorrows and brings happiness and ideal situations then I am sorry, You need to dig the soil for getting this done and no life is perfect..... We all have a normal life which is full of unpredicted atmosphere and that is the fun.....